Vet in La Muela (Zaragoza) - "Consultorio Veterinario Sananton"

Veterinary clinic Consultorio Veterinario Sananton

Consultorio Veterinario Sananton

In our veterinarian Consultorio Veterinario Sananton we offer the best services for your pet in La Muela.. In the Consultorio Veterinario Sananton veterinary clinic we offer vaccination services for both your dog and your cat, we have service for exotic pets. We are a veterinary hospital in La Muela with hospitalization for your pet. In the laboratory of the Consultorio Veterinario Sananton veterinary clinic we offer the best veterinary doctors and the most advanced cardiology, traumatology or imaging techniques.

In our veterinary hospital Consultorio Veterinario Sananton we offer the best surgery services for both the reproductive, oral, digestive or ophthalmic apparatus for your animal in La Muela.

You can ask us if we have a 24-hour veterinarian or emergency veterinarian service in La Muela through the Consultorio Veterinario Sananton veterinary clinic telephone number below.

You can also check the availability of our dog grooming in La Muela .


Balsa, 60

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